Library of Past Project Resources
Here you may access project materials and reports from previous phases of work on the NextGen Network project, including collateral, reports, maps, and videos.
Concepts Phase
The Alternatives below were presented in 2021 to get public feedback on priorities. The public response to the Concepts informed the MARTA Board policy direction that guided the Draft Plan.
To help the public think about about priorities, we drew the two contrasting images of how the network could look, depending on what is most important to people and what the public’s priorities are. Each concept represented the ends of a spectrum of possibility for what the MARTA Network could look like.
The Ridership Concept’s goal is to be useful to more people, so that more people ride. Right now, we have lots of routes, but most of them don’t come often enough to be useful to most people. This concept would run higher frequency where there are the most people and destinations, but with a fixed budget, that would mean it couldn’t go everywhere that service goes now.
The Coverage Concept’s goal is to provide some service to as many as people as possible, including all existing riders. This requires spreading service out, but spreading it out means spreading it thin. When we run so many routes, we can’t afford to run the service very often, and because of that, fewer people find the bus system useful.
Coverage Concept
Ridership Concept
Transit Choices Report. Two contrasting network concepts for what a redesigned network could look like - November 2021
Reports from TransitCenter
Who's on Board 2019. How to win back America’s transit riders - February 2019
Inclusive Transit. Advancing equity through improved access & opportunity - July 2018
The Path to Partnership. How cities and transit systems can stop worrying and join forces - May 2018
Untangling Transit. Bus Network Redesign Workshop Proceedings - New York City - July 2017
Briefs from TransitCenter
Frequency + Transit. How do you make transit more useful for everyone? - June 2018
Bus Network Redesigns. Why embark upon a bus network redesign? - July 2017
Transit Ridership Recipe. Key ingredients to transit ridership - May 2017
Maps and Graphics
See here for maps of the alternative network concepts.
Maps of Productivity of MARTA Bus Routes by Jurisdiction (click on each thumbnail to download)